Forged high-performance wheels
While designing and building championship-winning race wheels is the core of everything we do at Fikse the knowledge that we gain from this is directly translated into our high performance street wheels. Fikse Wheels provide an unmatched advantage on the track and street: lightweight components, superior strength and stiffness, combined with ease of serviceability all combine to make Fikse Wheels the choice of champions and enthusiasts alike.

Excellence based on an engineering foundation
The Fikse design philosophy centers on an engineering foundation as the basis for its excellence.
From start to finish, our design process leads the industry with rigorous real-world testing and certification to the highest global standards. An ongoing commitment to research and a vigorous motorsports program drive continuous improvement in our methods, materials, and processes.
Attention to engineering fundamentals also tends to produce the most visually pleasing wheels. This is the anchor of Fikse’s design approach. Rather than reacting to the fashion of the moment, Fikse develops classic design themes that will be as pleasing years from now as they are the day the wheels are mounted.
Where others offer a simple corner or a straight line, Fikse offers something more. What at first glance appears to be a simple curve carved from metal is actually a seamless blend of more than twenty individual arcs finessed to form a shape more fluid and graceful than otherwise possible.
This painstaking design effort results in a whole greater than the sum of its parts: a wheel that both appeals aesthetically and performs competitively at the highest level.